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The Montessori method is characterized by providing a prepared environment: orderly, aesthetic, simple, real, where each element has its reason for being in the development of children, in which the independence and self-management of the Child is encouraged to become a responsible, consistent and respectful adult. The Montessori classroom integrates ages grouped into periods of 3 years, which naturally promotes socialization, respect, solidarity and, above all, empathy. The primary objective of multigrade environments is to form a community where children learn from each other and share responsibilities.

“To have educated the senses is to perceive the beauty in the environment. It is to perceive subtle differences. When you are aware of these delicate differences, the whole world is more fascinating. You can see more than you ever saw before! You are interested in so much more!"

Maria Montessori, London 1946



3 to 18 months approx.

Assistants to Infancy

18 months to 3 years approx.

Children's house

3 to 6 years


1st to 6th grade
Clase de dibujo

3 to 18 months approx.

Time 8:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The "nido" environment is arranged in such a way that babies can explore each area and each material freely and safely. It meets everything necessary to meet your needs, help refine your senses and at the same time encourage vocabulary enrichment. This environment facilitates and invites movement, arranging the necessary furniture to begin your path to independence. It is an orderly, beautiful and simple environment, with a warm climate, ventilation and natural lighting and light, neutral colors. 
The role of the guide, in addition to preparing the environment daily, is to develop an affectionate bond with the children through which they can transmit love, kindness, trust and understanding in support of this first detachment from the parents. 
We accompany families by providing a detailed daily report that keeps them informed about their children's behavior and development, as well as private meetings, reports and free access to observe. Breastfeeding mothers have the opportunity to freely attend the environment.

Clase de dibujo

Assistants to Infancy
18 months to 3 years approx.


Time 8:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

This stage is very important since it is the first integration of children into their community; In it we promote social and emotional development by creating an emotional bond between guide and students that provides them with the tools and security necessary for their adaptation. 
The environment is prepared to generate independence since it is the cornerstone of their physical and social development, in addition to allowing them to explore, discover, repeat and choose freely. From an early age we work with children in order, sequence and structure as this helps them recognize limits, be tolerant, as well as show respect and empathy for others. 
At this stage we accompany families in the emotional development and needs of the children through meetings, reports, free access to observe, conferences and a close relationship with their guide.


Children's House
3 to 6 years

3rd preschool 7:30 a.m. to 1:15 a.m.
2nd and 1st preschool 8:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

At this stage, children are already conscious creators, they seek to perfect their skills and have the need to dominate their environment, which they continue to make their own through the absorbing mind. They develop their identity and little by little they integrate into social life. They generate bonds with adults and other children, learning to resolve and reach agreements to maintain respect and peace through the transmission of values, personal treatment and working with limits that provide security and self-control. The environment is prepared with enough space for free movement, furniture according to their size and with scientific material in perfect condition, complete and adequate that leads them to independence, to strengthen and control their movements, to work with their coordination, to perfect the senses to build knowledge through hands in contact with the material in the areas of language, sensory, practical life and mathematics. The external environment is also part of the prepared environment, children have the opportunity to work both inside and outside of it. 
We accompany parents with periodic meetings, semiannual reports, free access to observe the environments and preparing third grade children for the transition to primary school. 



"Movement, or physical activity, is an essential factor in intellectual growth, which depends on the impressions received from the outside.

Through movement we come into contact with external reality, and it is through these contacts that we eventually acquire even abstract ideas."


Maria Montessori


Lower Elementary (6 to 9 years)
& Upper Elementary (9 to 12 years)


Time 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


A true Montessori workshop follows the methodology of Cosmic Education created by Maria Montessori and whose fundamental purpose is the adaptation of the child to life within human society. Cosmic education seeks to connect children with the fundamental universal laws or models that exist in the cosmos, and in this way, children understand the cosmic task of humanity by recognizing the human being as an agent.creative entity.

Through constant contact with a prepared environment, children learn to explore topics in more depth, work as a team and, with the freedom to relate, develop a sense of sharing and know their place in the community, being ready to contribute to it.  ;

At Montessori's World we know that the child of this period wants to know everything about everything and has a natural tendency to explore, so we seek to support this impulse with scientific materials designed by Dr. Montessori, and we have a vast collection of resources for research, including our library.

Montessori primary education does not provide a collection of trivial facts, but rather offers a vision of interrelated knowledge and a love of learning.

The purpose of choosing a Montessori method is to allow the child to use his inquiring mind to explore and experience things for himself to form his own opinion based on experiences. When they are given the opportunity to make decisions, they begin to be responsible for their education and self-construction.

“If education continues to be considered as a simple transmission of knowledge, little can be expected from it regarding the future of man. For what is the point of transmitting knowledge if the total development of the individual is neglected?”


Maria Montessori

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